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  • alberto_r

    June 9, 2021 at 5:42 PM

    Thank you for your contribution, Sabine. This is a very interesting topic that bears relation to the Exponential Technologies in Education thread, but also makes for an interesting discussion on its own.

    I myself have been able to experience how VR is being applied in the architecture and engineering fields. It is a literally overwhelming (and can even induce a little vertigo). The technology is being used to teach engineering and architecture students with virtual 3-D structures which simulate their weight, mass, volume, material properties, etc.

    Apart from the above mentioned, it is used in other areas such as virtual “field trips”, language intervention, skills training (there are many video tutorials that teach practical tasks), special education and even philosophy.

    If you recall Reine Abbas’ Masterclass, you will remember that she used game learning for children to become trained at different disciplines that they wouldn’t normally would at the regular school system (and let alone become motivated by them). This is just one of the areas which may be boosted into unexplored possibilities when enhanced with VR tools.

    By the way, in regards to the virtual field trips, in Madrid, where I live, museums like El Prado and Reina Sofia have opened virtual tours during these Covid times, included guided visits for children. While I still prefer the in-person experience, these initiatives have given many people with health and mobility challenges or in remote areas of the world the opportunity to be exposed to a a magnificent depository of works of art.

    As always, thanks for your post and have a nice day!